Sunday, September 03, 2006

Indian Sports Team Names

Maybe I'm insensitive or whatever, but what's the big deal with high school and college sports teams that have taken names from various Native American tribes? While I cannot say with certainty that they never meant anything derogatory, why would you name your team something that you were not proud of? I don't think they were trying to invoke fear, just respect of their team as a worthy adversary. How many years have theses teams had these names? Correct me if I'm wrong but it seems like the last few years its become another hot button issue to get somebody attention in the media. I often wonder why people just don't do their own things and let others do as they please.

I am curious what others might think about this subject, as I am always seeking knowledge and understanding. It blows my mind sometimes when seemingly out of nowhere a person or a group that many times is the self appointed expert on a subject marches up and informs you that your actions are offensive to a person or a group and you should stop. Why? If it was that simple in life we could stop drunk driving and drug use with the snap of our fingers. Nothing is ever that easy. OK I'm off this subject I'm getting a little worked up. I was reading an article yesterday concerning the local high school team names, The Redskins and The Chieftans are the two that I recall, and how some Indian group thought they should be changed. Union has called themselves the Redskins for thirty years or longer if I'm not mistaken. Why now is it such a big deal?

Well I'm off to run a dozer for a few hours. Nothing like running over stuff to lower blood pressure and make you feel better about the world. Toodle-oo. :)-


Blogger Ky • said...

As an Ohioan (Cleveland Indians), I'm not offended. However, I'm also not Native American.

I'm ok with it. Why? Because it doesn't have anything to do with my everyday life. If indeed I were minority - I would more than likely be offended. However, the chances of they're being a "Toledo Whiteys" team or a "Columbus Crackers" team are slim to none. :-)

So, all in all - I just don't identify. Whatever. I think the bigger issue is not what the team is named, but what the ball players are paid.


3:08 PM  

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