Tuesday, September 12, 2006

People who Don't mind their business

There is an older lady that works in the office at BD where I am leased to. She is a nosy know it all who always has a better story than you. More often than not she makes herself look like an idiot. Actually a f----n idiot. One of the local drivers and I have an ongoing argument that has no point other than it gives us something to scream and holler about. We both know that we're just funnin. Last Thursday it got particularly intense. He made the mistake of telling her how wound up we got. She almost RAN to the owner of the company like a tattle tale at school to tell her how offended K. (the local hand) was. Before verifying the story S. (owner) comes to me and chews my ear. Not for a minute, but 10 minutes. She even went as far to compare me to her EX husband. Needless to say my blood pressure was so high it had white caps. All of this because a person who wasn't even there thought somebody else's feelings were hurt. AAAAGGGGHHHH when did this country get so worried about hurting feelings. That's life!! I have plenty to do worrying about my own stuff let alone somebody else's. I have yet to decide if and how to approach the old bag. I'd like to knock her teeth down her throat but I think I can get even in my own way. As many know my rep as a prankster and hell raiser is not honorary, I've earned it. Any suggestions will be considered. If your comment contains forgive or live and let live go to the ACLU or ASPCA or NAACP blog and leave it there, this is THE ROUTE. We don't give hugs and sing Kumbaya, we kick a-- and take names when we need to. Toodle-oo. Sounds kind of like Ted Nugent huh!


Blogger Ky • twopretzels.com said...

First off, the phrase, "Kickin A** and takin' names," is one of my all-time favorites." Nice.

Secondly, I think that the boss needs therapy. She needn't have compared you to her ex-husband. I think that's crossing the professional employee/employer relationship. Ick.

Thirdly, I don't think you should beat up or jump a female senior citizen.

How you solve this situation is completely and 100% up to you. Can't wait to hear about it.

10:05 PM  

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