Monday, November 13, 2006

Support our Troops

The point of this blog is not to spark political debate. It is to remind all of us of the sacrifices our troops and their families are making. In a weird sequence of events, last night I watched "We were soldiers" One day after Veterans day. One thing Lt. General Moore (the movie was based on his book and experience in Vietnam) said in the interview was hate war, don't hate the American soldier. Support of our troops has nothing to do with the party we belong to or the religion we choose to practice. We are free to choose and debate because of their sacrifice. Instead of condemning war, ask a soldier why they chose to join the military. They are there because they want to be. Don't hold the failures of our elected leaders against the troops following orders. Its more than a job for them its an adventure. BTW were moving. Not far just a little further north and east. Toodle-oo.