Friday, February 16, 2007

No I'm not dead......................yet

I know its been a month of sundays since I rambled but its been crazy. We've moved, work has been abnormally busy and I'm adding a third truck as well as a second escort. I think the three people that read this have all but given up on me. I don't have the face time with my computer than many of you do working in an office or being close to home. I am always behind the wheel. If its not the KW its the Dodge service truck if not that the Dodge escort truck(I luv a Dodge with a Cummins diesel). I figured up the other day counting all my miles in all the vehicles I drive about 120K miles a year, with about 175 nights in the truck or a hotel. Thats normal for the average over the road trucker but not for specialized wierdos like me. I would really like to buy a new laptop computer and try to keep in touch a little better. I REALLY want a new Panasonic Toughbook but the unit I want is like 3 grand WHEW. Thats hard to swallow. By my calculations I worked my 40 hours by wed. night. The big cranes have really been moving alot, and it will only get better. So much of our freight is energy realted, and for now thats great. This week I hauled the largest rough terrain crane made(to my knowledge) a Grove 9130E

Check that out, is pretty cool it how big gets done with an RT(rough terrain). There a cranes that are way bigger than that but they break down into dozens of legal truck loads. That machine in the easiest configuration still weighs 111k lbs with two loads of fall off that weigh 43k and 20k lbs. I love big cranes, everything about them. I have some cool pics of me hauling a 250 ton cralwer I'll post soon.

Hopefully having the third truck will give me some time to keep this current. When the weather gets better I'll wash the trucks and trailers and post pics so you'll know me when you see me. Unfortunately we don't make it as far south as Cabo(sorry K) luv ya! Toodle-oo.